This week, the City and County of Denver revoked a short-term rental license for the first time, after a hearing before the Department of Excise and Licenses revolving around whether the host actually did meet the “primary residence” requirement.  This action comes just before the new rules for short-term rentals, covered in an earlier blog post, take effect on April 10.  Among other things, those rules give Denver broader rights to revoke or deny short-term rental licenses for “good cause.”

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Photo of Cory Rutz Cory Rutz

Cory Rutz represents industrial, commercial, residential, and mixed-use real estate owners and developers in various matters relating to land use entitlements. Her practice includes assisting clients with subdivision, zoning, public improvement fees, easements, and common interest community development under the Colorado Common Interest…

Cory Rutz represents industrial, commercial, residential, and mixed-use real estate owners and developers in various matters relating to land use entitlements. Her practice includes assisting clients with subdivision, zoning, public improvement fees, easements, and common interest community development under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA).