As part of its “Roadmap to Net Zero Buildings,” the City of Golden is currently considering proposed regulations to achieve its goal of 100% renewable energy for electricity by 2030, and 100% renewable energy for heating by 2050. The proposed regulations would amend the building energy code (Title 18 of the Golden Municipal Code), which Golden’s Community Sustainability Advisory Board (CSAB) and Planning Commission (PC) determined are insufficient for Golden to meet its renewable energy goals.
The CSAB and PC prepared recommendations for Golden City Council’s consideration, which fall into four general categories. First is the adoption of the New Building Institute’s Decarbonization Code, which includes an all-electric provision for new residential and commercial construction within six months from adoption, requiring all-electric buildings with 100% onsite renewable energy production and no natural gas connections (with some exceptions). Second is a commitment that all new municipal buildings will be built with the same construction, in addition to the currently-required LEED certification. Third is implementation of a commercial energy benchmarking program, with the data used to create recommendations for renewable energy requirements for existing buildings. Last is the need to commit to further research and recommendations for converting existing buildings to net zero, all-electric, as well as other sustainable building code requirements, such as water efficiency, waste diversion, and sustainable building materials. The CSAB and PC have organized multiple meetings for public comment on various aspects of the proposals. These included discussions regarding when installing solar panels or other renewable energy sources isn’t feasible and what alternatives could be established, the hardships that could be experienced for buildings without natural gas and what alternative pathways to compliance would include, as well as the definition of “new construction.” Over the ensuing months, it is anticipated that council will work to prepare ordinances and/or resolutions for review and future public hearings. Additional information about Golden’s Roadmap to Net Zero Buildings can be found here: