Anton Troianovski had an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on how downtown office markets are currently improving faster than suburban office markets.  In part, Troianovski observes, this may be based on the types of businesses that tend to be in the two markets (mortgage companies and home builders in suburban markets, while downtowns tend

The two most common types of lease expansion options are rights of first refusal and rights of first offer.  When negotiating these expansion rights, landlords and tenants should understand the factors involved.

What’s the Difference?  A right of first refusal provides that when the landlord receives an acceptable offer from a third party for certain

159659669_1f15d48922_t.jpgAs the presence of carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere, so does interest in ways to dispose of that carbon dioxide.  One possibility is to store it in underground gaps, voids or pore space.  This process is known as carbon sequestration.

Currently, real property is generally divided into a surface estate and a severable mineral

4074354188_a1981d42ec_s.jpgI attended the Colorado Real Estate Journal Industrial Owners & Managers Conference & Expo on Wednesday, September 15, 2010. 

There were several panels discussing various elements of the industrial real estate market in the Colorado Front Range.

  • The investment panel seemed to reach a consensus that new industrial development would not occur until the third

green-brick.jpgI recently attended a webinar in which Jacob Bart of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP spoke about how the costs of going “green” can conflict with the provisions in many existing leases.  It is common for landlords to “pass through” operating expenses to their tenants, but those expenses are usually limited to non-capital expenditures.