As previously reported on this blog a Colorado Court of Appeals decision in 2015 allowed a developer/declarant to retain a right to consent to amendments to a common interest community’s declaration that require arbitration of construction defect claims.

The Colorado Supreme Court has now weighed in on the case involved, which is known as Vallagio at Inverness Residential Condo. Ass’n v. Metro. Homes, Inc., affirming the decision of the Court of Appeals.

Vallagio involved a residential development in which the declaration, created pursuant to the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) included certain dispute resolution provisions, including an arbitration requirement.  The dispute resolution provisions also stated that those provisions could “not ever be amended without the written consent of the Declarant,” who was the developer of the project.
Continue Reading Colorado Condominium Construction Defect Issue: Colorado Supreme Court Affirms the Right of Declarants for Condominium and Other Common Interest Communities to Require Binding Arbitration of Disputes

Colorado Convention Center, Denver Credit: Dan
Colorado Convention Center, Denver
Credit: Dan

A Denver City Council committee has taken the first step toward creating Colorado’s first-ever tourist improvement district.  On Wednesday, June 7, the Business, Arts, Workforce & Aeronautical Services committee unanimously approved Bill 17-0653, authorizing the district, which is designed as a mechanism to help fund tourism-related facility improvements and services like the upcoming $233 million Colorado Convention Center expansion project.
Continue Reading Denver City Council Advances Tourist Improvement District Proposal

Denver is in transition in many ways.  The oil and gas business recently buoyed Denver’s commercial real estate and employment market, but now is receding.  The high tech and health care fields may be filling that void.  Foreign investment has found Denver as a market that may increase returns over coastal markets.
Continue Reading Denver Real Estate is in Transition